Friday, December 7, 2007

Something new...

Something old, something new, something....wait...what am I talking about?? :)

So here it is. It's a "must use" tool. (note the "must use" part). Since you don't seem to thoroughly enjoy instant chat (nor are you particularly good at it - no offense, but the whole point of "instant" chat is to respond quickly and to PAY ATTENTION - just in case you were unaware. This could be more of my generation kinda thing. I am an instant message pro :))

So here it is. Welcome to the world of blogging. This is private (ooohhh la la) so not the whole world can read. I figure, why not try? I do have the slightest feeling, however, that it will mostly me be writing to it, but hey, that's okay. So write what you want, when you want, about whatever you want (you get my point). Okay that's all I've got currently. I need to go back to my work (oh wait, right, WHAT WORK). I need to return to watching the clock, counting down the minutes until the next phase of today begins (I'm exhausted already :)).

Hope work is going well. Love and miss you.

Now bring on the blogging!


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